Spectacles & Spectators

A temporary, site specific mural series installed in Downtown Providence as part of PVDFest 2016

This project was made possible by a grant from the City of Providence, Department of Art, Culture, and Tourism.

In the spirit of fun and active engagement in the DownCity festival footprint, ‘Spectacles & Spectators’ playfully invited PVDFest-goers to consider their dynamic relationships with the visual art, performances, and architecture of the festival.

Individual characters were installed at ground level to human-size scale, giving the impression that they were part of the crowd, either festival goers or performing artists, themselves. Placed strategically— around corners, down side streets and alleyways, they surprised and delighted unsuspecting millers-about, adding humor and intrigue to the experience of hopping from one festivity to the next. An ensemble of animals in fancy outfits, the subjects of these micro-murals were accessible to festival-goers of all ages as whimsical curiosities mirroring the activities of festival participants. They also engaged spectator interaction, presenting opportunities for cell phone snapshots and social media play in which festival-goers became performers themselves. 

‘The Audience,’ a full wall mural, flipped the roles of the audience and performer completely. The illustrated scene was created as an ode to the work of 1920s celebrity caricature artist and legend, Ralph Barton, who was once commissioned to paint an entire stage curtain. He filled the curtain with portraits of celebrities whom he knew would be in tow at the opening of the musical revue ‘Chauve-Souris’ so that, when the curtains closed for the duration of intermission, the theatrical spectacle was, in effect, the audience.

Photo courtesy of Rebecca Siemering

The visual language of this fictional universe emerged out of my fascination with turn-of-the-century entertainment archives; also as an expression of my own personal narrative as a participant in Providence’s performance art community, as an entertainer in and director of variety show events that harkened back to traditions of vaudeville and burlesque (the Danger! Danger! Birds 2005-2010).

Spectacles & Spectators mural series at PVDFest
Installation Sites: Fulton Street Alley, Aborn Street
Dimensions: characters ranging 4’ - 7’ tall and full wall mural 16’ x16’
Media: oversized Xerox blueprints, applied to brick with wheat paste
Mural photography: Erin X. Smithers

Special thanks to Lizzie Araujo, Stephanie Fortunato, and Micah Salkind at Providence Art, Culture, and Tourism.

*This public artwork anticipated the release of Spectacles & Spectators, Keri’s illustrated picture book for grown-ups. Released in October of 2016, Spectacles & Spectators follows an expanded cast of the same fashionably dressed animal characters on a madcap romp through an ambiguously Victorian fantasy world.


Scenic Design for the Wilbury Theatre Group, Pirates of Penzance


Dirt Palace Installation